Polycarbonate outer sleeve [x1]

Front feed connector

Rubber gasket

Anti-skidding clip


finished assembly view






Step 1 Let Flexlite goes through polycarbonate outer sleeve, printed instruction aligns with the ‘Snap End’ arrow points in the direction of the feed connector. Step 2 Place the anti-skidding clip on the very end of the neon with the 2 tiny tabs that are pointing inwards still touchi= ng the end of material and crimp in place. Step 3 Place the tip of the assistant tool against the outer side of the internal circuit board within the Flexlite . Carefully push the tool into the Flexlite (max. depth of 12.5mm) and creates a small cavity in the flexible material on the outer side of the circuit board. Step 4 Insert rubber gasket into the pins and apply 100% clear silicone on the surface of it. Align the front feed connector with the cut end part and carefully push its pins into the gaps. Step 5 Gently yet firmly push the joiner bracket onto the front connector assembly. The two parts close together and eventually lock them into place. Step 6 Slide the polycarbonate outer sleeve and butts up to the flange of the front connector.

Step 3

Step 1

Step 2

Step 6

Step 4

Step 5

Polycarbonate outer sleeve [x1]

End cap [x1]

Rubber gasket

Anti-skidding clip

finished assembly view

Joiner bracket




Step 1 Let Flexlite goes through polycarbonate outer sleeve, printed instruction aligns with the ‘Snap End’ arrow points in the direction of the feed connector. Step 2 Place the anti-skidding clip on the very end of the neon with the 2 tiny tabs that are pointing inwards still touching the end of material and crimp in place. Step 3 Place the tip of the assistant tool against the outer side of the internal circuit board within the Flexlite . Carefully push the tool into the Flexlite (max. depth of 12.5mm) so that it creates a small cavity in the flexible material on the outer side of the circuit board. Step 4 Insert rubber gasket into the pins and apply 100% clear silicone on the surface of it. Align end cap with the cut end part and carefully push its pins into the gaps. Step 5 Gently yet firmly push the joiner bracket onto the end cap assembly. The two parts close together and eventually lock them into place. -Step 6 Slide the polycarbonate outer sleeve and butts up to the flange of the front connector.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 6

Step 5

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