Correct Handling & Installation Guidelines for LED Strips

Fixing the LED Strip in Position

Do not Distort, Twist or Mishandle

Once the module is appropriately positioned, press on the module with about 20N/cm2 (for more information refer to application techniques of 3M adhesive transfer tapes). Warning: 3M adhesive tape is one-time fix only. The tape cannot be repositioned removed or replaced once fixed.

Assembly or installation processes must not damage or destroy conducting paths on the circuit board. Always observe correct voltage and polarity when making connections between LED components.

Observe Min Bending Radius At All Times

Only apply pressure to the LED strip gently and always only make contact between the on board electronic components. Avoid touching or pressing the LED components, resistors or diodes,

The minimum allowable bending radius of most flexible LED strips is >20 mm. Other product types such as LED Flexlite may specify a different minimum bend radius. Always consult the specifications of the actual product,

At all times the LED strip must not be subjected to any shear ‐ or peel forces.

Warning: bending the product below its allowable bending radius will cause damage to internal components

This guide is for generic information purposes only. Please refer to your qualified architect, designer or electrical contractor before finalising any details regarding wiring and installation. Installation of LED equipment must be made with regard to all applicable wiring & safety standards. Installation of any lighting product should only be carried out by suitably qualified personnel.

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