What our clients say...

“Everyone comments on our strip lighting, so it’s brilliant ... The feel that you get from the lighting is one of warmth and homeliness. We chose the warm white because we wanted to have that warm feeling. ... Superlight were fantastic. We had a lot of questions and a lot of changes that we had to made along the renovation process so it was quite challenging but from the Superlight point of view it was really easy and we’re really happy with that.” Alex - Homeowner

“The pride and joy of our shop … We have the Superlight touch screen controller, which has the ability to have a lot of presets for it, which is nice and easy to switch between … One of the great perks of it is when kids come on they can request their favourite colour and we can light up the shop with that colour” Kieran - Moochi

“The vibe and the atmosphere the lights create is just amazing and unique. Having so many different colours and many combinations you can create easily because they are very easy to use”

Arianna - Bar & Restaurant Manager


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