Date/Time (D) : Manages the date and time stored inside the controller Date : the controllers date Time : the controllers clock time G Bright normal : the % brightness when the controller is not sleeping G Bright sleep: the % brightness when the controller is sleeping G Bright LED : the % brightness of the mode and reset LEDs Graphics (G) : Screen management G Image enable : allows for images to be shown for each scene if they have been assigned in the programming software G Image full : when enabled, the image will be displayed in full screen and the scene and area will not be visible G Image time : the time it takes before the image is displayed in full screen G Sleep enable : when enabled, the screen brightness will dim after a certain amount of time

G Sleep time : the amount of time to wait before sleeping G Bright normal : the brightness of the screen’s backlight G Bright sleep : the brightness of the screen’s backlight whilst the controller is sleeping G Bright LED : the brightness of the scene, undo and standby LED’s

DMX Output (X) : Manage the timings of the DMX output messages and the page priorities (advanced function!) X MBB : Mark Before Break- the time to wait between sending each 512 channel DMX message (or ‘packet’)

X Break : Break- the time to wait just before sending a new packet, resetting the DMX line X MAB : Mark After Break- the message which tells your receiver to begin reading data X MBS : Mark Between Slots- the delay time between sending each DMX channels data within the DMX packet Univ-1/Univ-2 : each timing can be set differently depending on the universe number X Alphab Mode : if the same scene is triggered in the global area and a second area, the area with the highest letter will take priority X LTP Mode : If the same scene is triggered in the global area and a second area, the latest scene triggered takes priority

Sensitive (S) : Manage the touch sensitivity settings

S USB Init : reset the touch sensitivity when the USB is connected and disconnected S Auto Time : the time to wait before automatically resetting the touch sensitivity S High Sense : when enabled, the sensitivity will be increased S See Values : see each touch sensitive button number and palette value

Language (L) : change the language of the text which appears on the screen

About : check the firmware release date and version number and assign a name for the controller

Reset : Reset all settings to the factory default


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